Our summer was busy with saying goodbye to friends, family, and moving. It was closing one very important chapter in our family history and moving on to the next in Santa Clara. We are going to miss our AMAZING friends the Hall family! Ana and I were like sisters, Josh and Dan were soul mates and our kids(all the same ages) were the best of friends. We also said goodbye to my parents for the next 3 yrs as they were called to care for the missionaries in the Texas Houston East mission, for the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. With their call we have been blessed to be able to move into their home and take care of it while they are gone. We have been so unbelievably blessed in the few months because of Dan's parents serving in the Texas Dallas mission and my parents.
My parents had their farewell the first of June so we decided we would bless Colt Kristof that weekend as well. All of my family would be in town and it was closer for Dan's family to travel to so why not. It was wonderful seeing so many aunts and uncles and cousins. I love having family around. The kids love cousins to play with and it's fun to sit around and catch up on each others lives.
My parents entered the MTC on June 21 so of course in true Drake family fashion we had to get one last family gathering in before saying goodbye. We rented a house on the beach in Mission Beach California and spent our time making memories on the beach and of course what family vacation is complete without a baseball game, GO ANGELS! We, meaning my siblings and I, are still getting together so that when Mom and Dad get home it will be like old times. We will miss them but we know that the lives they will be touching in Texas are so important right now we can wait 3 yrs.
Well the time ran out but the Neville Family had one mini vacation left. Dan had a meeting in California the day we were leaving so the kids and I decided to go to SeaWorld. One of the benefits of the military is the many places give a discount to military families, Sea World is one of that wonderful places and it was only a 10 min drive from our beach house. Because I had three boys and a new born we invited McKenna to come along as a helper. Drake is so glad McKenna came! He had someone to go on all the roller coasters with. Logan, Hank, Colt and I had a great time taking in all the scenery. We touched star fish, sting rays, saw dolphins, Killer whales, sharks, turtles, penguins, flamingos, and many many more. It was a great way to bide our time until Dan was finished and we could go pick him up.
Josh and Ana Hall |
Drake and Mrs Harrison his kindergarten teacher |
Stephanie and baby Colt |
Having fun with cousins |
Eating good food and catching up |
Cousins are best |
Four generations on both sides of my family |
Sadly the best family picture we could |
Colt Kristof Neville |
Getting the tour at the Mormon Battalion |
Hank disappeared for a few minutes hiking up the hillside after some birds. It pooped him out |
Mining for gold |
Our first day happened to be our anniversary so we got serenaded by the Mariachi band. Romantic dance with one kid strapped to the chest and one on the shoulders. It's been a great 8 yrs! |
Grandma go Hank a Churro |
Colt was nice and comfy sleeping through the game |
We love some baseball! |
They got to bury Uncle Nate! |
Our last night |
Beautiful Sunset |
We were in the splash zone! |
Hank thought this was super cool |
Drake wanted to take it home |
This was Logan favorite, the sting rays |