Thursday, May 26, 2011


So far this year we have gone to Hogle Zoo not once but twice.  In fact we decided to buy season passes because the boys had such a great time.  Drake we couldn't get to hold still for very long and on several occasions both times he disappeared because we were going to slow and he needed to see the next animal.  

The first time we went, we went with my sister Sarah and three of her kids; Mason, Sami and Mati.  Sami was a great follower when Drake was ready to move on to the next exhibit.  They were often seen running away.  For a while this summer there are also dinosaurs on display.  They are pretty cool moving and noise making dinosaurs.  Drake thought they we 'so cool'!  We had a great time wandering around checking things out.  Even Logan got really excited when we were in the reptile house and he got to see so many things up close.  He was just waving to the animals.  Drake especially loved the alligator.  I guess it's actually a crocodile but he they're closely enough related right.  He still talks about the alligators in the water and thinks there are alligators in every little pond or river we see.

The second time we went, we went with our friends; Mandy, Jacob, Anna, and Cole.  Drake was still very impatient with us and took off several times but we usually found him checking out some animal. Between this trip and our last one Logan has learned some animal sounds.  So this time he made sure to talk to the animals as loudly as he could.  It was so cute to watch him waving and yelling at the animals.

I'm really excited for the next year and to watch the boys really enjoy the zoo animals.

Logan and Anna digging for fossils
 Drake and Jacob(in the blue hat) digging
 Drake, Anna(pink),and Jacob
 Anna, and Drake riding the carousel
 Logan and Mati(she fell off her high chair and broke her arm) They are three months apart
 Drake and Sami riding the train(they are a month apart)
 Logan enjoying some cake
 Drake wondering if he can have more frosting
 Drake really likes the carousel
 Logan not so much
 Logan waving to the camera
 Drake really liked the elephants too
 Logan watching the baby triceratops
The boys ready for the next close encounter

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