Sunday, August 17, 2008


We went to another Bees baseball game last night with some friends. It was mini bat givaway night and Drake was begging us to get there early so he could have one. When he got his bat he said thank you and erupted into a smile that was measured at a mile wide.

the blooper of the night was made by Dan. He brings his mitt religiously and vows to catch a homerun ball every game. he has caught a few but tonights would be memorable. A laser was hit and Dan jumped up and excitedly ran forward a few steps. When he noticed the ball was coming a bit further than he originally thought he tried to stop and begin his backtrack. He slipped on the grass, his feet flew in the air, and when the ball landed where he was originally sitting before his escapades began he dejectedly lied on the ground pouting. Someday he will grow up. For now, he gives us additional entertainment and we are happy for that.

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